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Application Executive

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<language> (AE) An embeddable language, written as a C interpreter by Brian Bliss at UIUC. AE is compiled with an application and thus exists in the same process and address space. It includes a dbx symbol table scanner to access compiled variables and routines, or you can enter them manually by providing a type/name declaration and the address. When the interpreter is invoked, source code fragments are read from the input stream (or a string), parsed, and evaluated immediately. The user can call compiled functions in addition to a few built-in intrinsics, declare new data types and data objects, etc. Different input streams can be evaluated in parallel on Alliant computers.

AE has been ported to SunOS (cc or gcc), Alliant FX and Cray YMP (soon).

(ftp://sp2.csrd.uiuc.edu/pub/at.tar.Z). (ftp://sp2.csrd.uiuc.edu/pub/bliss/ae.tex.Z).


Nearby terms: application development « application enablement services « Application environment specification « Application Executive » Application Integration Architecture » application layer » application lifecycle management

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